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Following Jesus isn’t meant to be done alone. The Bible is clear that we are created to be in community with others and with God. At Northside, we believe that individuals connect with the community best by joining Bible study groups and Community Groups that help build relationships and spur one another on as they follow Jesus in every area of their lives. 


Our church app and website are continually updated each week with the current opportunities you have to get connected to these groups.

 Click here to see these opportunities and get connected.


If you’d like help finding a good fit for you or your family, contact Isaac Neal, our Connections Minister, by emailing or

contacting the church office at 660-747-8632. 


Life is better in community, so get connected today! 


Group leaders are crucial to our community groups' vitality. We NEED people like you to be willing to come along with others in their faith journey. You don't have to be a theologian to be a leader; rather, have a willing heart to be hospitable and to do life with others. If you feel the Lord is prompting you to start a group, that's great! Follow the directions below to get started:

1) Being a member of NCC and a baptized follower of Christ. If you need to become a member or talk to someone about baptism, click here to schedule a time to talk with someone.


2) Click here to email Isaac Neal, Connections Minister, to arrange a meeting to discuss your group's specifics and understand our promotional strategies.

3) During the meeting, we will cover topics such as facility usage, childcare options, how to get materials, and any other questions you may have.

4) You will be requested to sign a leadership agreement and affirm our beliefs. Our aim is not to control your group but to ensure all our groups are aligned with scripture.
 You can find these documents below. 

Leadership Agreement
Statement of Beliefs
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